Contact Center Metrics Essentials Module 1 | The Most Important Metrics for Inbound Customer Service - MetricNet Performance Benchmarking and Consulting Skip to main content

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Video Transcript:

Welcome everyone. I’m Jeff Rumburg, Managing Partner of MetricNet. Today we’re starting a new course entitled, Metrics Essentials for Contact Center Professionals. The goal of this course is to teach you everything you need to know, to leverage metrics for success in your contact center. And today, in our first module, we’re going to discuss the most important metrics for an inbound customer service contact center.

These metrics are summarized here on page 3. Please note that there are literally hundreds of metrics for inbound contact centers. But the 20 metrics shown on this page are among the most common in the industry, and they also yield the greatest insights. Not coincidentally, these are also the metrics that we use at MetricNet to benchmark inbound contact centers.

The metrics taxonomy, which is the way we categorize and organize metrics, is shown in the blue boxes. We have cost metrics, which measure the efficiency of your contact center. We have quality metrics, which measure the effectiveness of your contact center. There are productivity metrics, which are the primary drivers of the cost metrics. There are agent metrics, which are critically important because they have a secondary impact on almost every other metric in the contact center. There are service level metrics, which typically measure response and resolution times. And finally, we have contact handling metrics, including the handle time, and the self-service completion rate, which is sometimes also referred to as the IVR containment rate.

The definitions for these metrics have been documented in three eBooks that you will find in the Resources section for this module. I would encourage you to download those so that you have the exact definition for every metric we discuss in this course.

As an example, one of the most important metrics is Cost per Contact. We define that as the fully loaded cost of your contact center divided by the volume of contacts you handle. In addition to the definition, we provide some background on why the metric is important, and show the cause-and-effect relationships for each metric.

This concludes our first module. I would invite you to join me for Module 2, where we will discuss the 80/20 rule for contact center metrics. I want to thank you for joining me today. I’m Jeff Rumburg, Managing Partner of MetricNet.

Angela Irizarry

Angela Irizarry is the President and Chief Operating Officer at MetricNet, where she is responsible for managing day-to-day operations, strategic planning, and new client acquisition. She also oversees the company's sales and marketing efforts and manages its intellectual property and online resources. Angela has been with the company for 10 years and has over 20 years of experience in business development and strategy. She has been featured in Fortune magazine and has received recognition for her work in competitive and trends analysis from executives at a variety of Fortune 100 companies. Angela is a dynamic and accomplished professional who consistently delivers exceptional results for MetricNet and its clients. She has a wealth of industry experience and a track record of success in driving business results, particularly in the financial services, insurance, and healthcare sectors. Angela is highly skilled in communication, problem-solving, and project management, and is committed to delivering the highest level of service to MetricNet's clients.

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