All ResourcesDesktop SupportMemberMetric of the Month Cause-and-Effect for Desktop Support KPIs | Metric of the Month Download This Article Forward To A Friend This month we depart from our usual format, and instead of discussing a single metric I will explore the cause-and-effect relationships between…Jeffrey RumburgApril 15, 2013
All ResourcesMemberMetric of the MonthService Desk Cause-and-Effect for Service Desk KPIs | IT Service Desk Metrics Download This Article Forward To A Friend This month we depart from our usual format, and instead of discussing a single IT Service Desk metric I will explore the…Jeffrey RumburgJanuary 16, 2013
All ResourcesMemberMetric of the MonthService Desk Agent Training Hours | IT Service Desk Metrics Download This Article Forward To A Friend There are two commonly tracked service desk metrics for agent training: new agent training hours and annual agent training hours. New agent…Jeffrey RumburgNovember 15, 2012
All ResourcesMemberMetric of the MonthService Desk Contact Handle Time | Metric of the Month Contact handle time is the average time that an agent spends on an inbound contact, including talk time, chat time, wrap time, and after call or after chat work time…Jeffrey RumburgJune 23, 2012
All ResourcesMemberMetric of the MonthService Desk Call Abandonment Rate | Metric of the Month An abandoned call is one where the caller hangs up before being connected to a live agent in the service desk. Call abandonment rate is the number of abandoned calls…Jeffrey RumburgMay 23, 2012
All ResourcesMemberMetric of the MonthService Desk Agent Utilization | Metric of the Month One goal of every business is to achieve the highest possible quality at the lowest possible cost. It stands to reason, therefore, that cost and quality should be measured on…Angela IrizarryMarch 23, 2012
All ResourcesMemberMetric of the MonthService Desk First Level Resolution Rate | Metric of the Month First Level Resolution (FLR) is a measure of a service desk’s ability to resolve tickets at Level 1, without having to escalate the ticket to Level 2 (Desktop Support), Level…Angela IrizarryFebruary 23, 2012
All ResourcesDesktop SupportMemberMetric of the Month Desktop Support Cost per Ticket | Metric of the Month Cost per Ticket is the total monthly operating expense of Desktop Support divided by the monthly ticket volume. OperatingAngela IrizarryJanuary 23, 2012
All ResourcesMemberMetric of the MonthService Desk Agent Job Satisfaction | Metric of the Month Customer Satisfaction is top-of-mind for virtually every service organization. And for good reason: it is the single most important measure of quality for a service desk or desktop support group.…Angela IrizarryDecember 9, 2011
All ResourcesDesktop SupportMemberMetric of the MonthService Desk % Resolved Level 1 Capable | Metric of the Month % Resolved Level 1 Capable is a Desktop Support metric. It measures the percentage of tickets resolved by desktop support that could have been resolved by the level 1 service…Angela IrizarryNovember 23, 2011