
Contact Center Agent Engagement Scorecard


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Contact Center Agent Engagement is a complex set of behaviors driven by numerous practices that can be hard to quantify.

MetricNet has devised the Contact Center Agent Engagement Scorecard to solve this dilemma!

Selecting ‘Yes’ from the drop down menu will add a one-hour screen-sharing training session with a MetricNet subject matter expert. During this one hour training session, we will walk you through populating the Contact Center Agent Engagement Scorecard and provide expert guidance on how you can leverage the tool month over month to ensure you are continually driving high levels of agent engagement!


There’s no universal definition of Contact Center Agent Engagement, yet everyone seems to know what it means. How can this be?

Although the term hasn’t been rigorously defined, there seems to be universal agreement that Contact Center Agent Engagement and Contact Center Agent Job Satisfaction are highly correlated. But they’re not the same thing. Contact Center Agent Engagement is a complex set of behaviors driven by numerous practices that can be hard to quantify. These include agent recognition, wellness, personal growth, training, coaching, team huddles, and relationship with peers.

Despite the fact that the underlying drivers of Contact Center Agent Engagement are subjective, they can be quantified and managed. Moreover, these underlying drivers can be leveraged to produce a Contact Center Agent Engagement Scorecard!

The Contact Center Agent Engagement Scorecard takes the most important engagement metrics – including Agent Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism, Turnover, Coaching, and Training – and combines them into a single, overall measure of performance. When tracked over time, the Contact Center Agent Engagement Scorecard tells you whether your agent engagement is improving…staying flat…or getting worse!

Selecting ‘Yes’ from the drop down menu will add a one-hour screen-sharing training session with a MetricNet subject matter expert. During this one hour training session, we will walk you through populating the Contact Center Agent Engagement Scorecard and provide expert guidance on how you can leverage the tool month over month to ensure you are continually driving high levels of agent engagement!

Watch the demo!

Your Data Inputs

Agent Job Satisfaction

Likelihood to Refer Friends and Family

Average Daily Absenteeism

Monthly Agent Turnover

Monthly Coaching Hours per Agent

Monthly Training Hours per Agent

Team Huddles per Month

Outside Activities

Additional information

ADD One Hour Training Session

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