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Thank you for attending our webcast! Links to resources Jeff referenced are as follows:

Balanced Scorecard Builder

Sample Agent Job Satisfaction Surveys

[vc_hoverbox image=”48226″ primary_title=”” hover_title=”The ROI of Benchmarking” hover_btn_title=”Download Now” hover_btn_color=”success” hover_btn_i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-download” hover_add_button=”true” hover_btn_add_icon=”true” hover_btn_link=”|||”]Like any good business decision, benchmarking should be undertaken with the expectation that it will produce a positive ROI. Thankfully, it is relatively easy to make the business case for benchmarking, and as a veteran of more than 4,000 IT service and support benchmarks, I have plenty of data to back that claim up. The ROI of benchmarking includes both hard benefits, such as cost savings and improved user productivity, as well as soft benefits such as improved customer satisfaction.[/vc_hoverbox]
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