The self service completion rate is an IT service desk metric that measures the percentage of level 1 incidents that are self-resolved by the user, without the assistance of a live agent. Let’s say, for example, that the agents on a particular service desk handle 4,000 incidents per month through voice, chat, and email. Another 1,000 incidents per month are resolved through user self-service (e.g., through a password reset tool). For this hypothetical service desk the self-service completion rate is 1,000 self-service incidents ÷ 5,000 total incidents = 20% self-service completion rate. The self-service completion rate is typically driven by the adoption of technologies that enable users to resolve their own incidents. The most common of these technologies include password reset tools, online FAQ’s, and self-help portals that give users access to the solutions knowledge base. Some of these tools are quite powerful, and offer the users robust search capabilities for finding a solution to their specific need. To continue reading, you must become a member. Membership is free and sign-up only takes a moment. Click the sign-up button below, complete the short form and checkout. No credit card is required and your membership never expires! Sign Up Already a member? Login